Friday, November 6, 2009

What is happening in Myanmar

Is the United State really willing to have relations with Myanmar military Government? Myanmar ruling military will not takes positive steps toward democracy in it own's country.They will only show the world that they are trying to get together and everyone knows in Myanmar knows that.

Two U.S. diplomat visited last fews days and talked with Myanmar government officials, Gen. Thein Sein, and opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, during their trip to Mayanmar.

Myanmar authority see Us official in Naypyidaw and we don't know all about as usual as a civilian we are not able to discuss.This is copy from news

"We reaffirmed our commitment to a peaceful, prosperous and democratic Burma," Marciel said. "We stressed the importance of genuine dialogue between the government and ethnic minorities. Fundamentally, the main problem is a lack of an inclusive political process."

But he said he did not know if the junta would take meaningful steps such as freeing Suu Kyi ahead of next year's elections, Myanmar's first since 1990.

Washington would demand such measures before it would consider removing its longstanding sanctions against the country, he said.

"We're willing to move in terms of our bilateral relationship, but we're only going to do it if there's real progress," he said.

The trip was part of a new U.S. policy intended to restore U.S. influence there, reversing the Bush administration's shunning of Myanmar.

The country's military regime, which seized power in 1962, is widely criticized for human rights violations.

That is from Washington post. we really hope for the best future for the people.

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